FEAR; its not real, but it controls your future? Stop the insanity!
You ever feel like ther is a hidden power inside of you? Like the stuff super-heros are made of? Its like a secret mission that only you can carry out; you spend hours, days, years dreaming of your awesome future in which you finally present your super-ability to the world and everyone adores and respects you for the contribution you've made to their lives. You are triumphant. You are fearless. And as the underdog you have conquered the odds to emerge at the top of your game.
But then you are jerked out of your dream into the present moment where you have bills to pay, a reputation to manage, and an upward climb that looks scary and full of obstacles. This is the fear that tells you you're not ready. Not ready for bigger responsibility, not ready for more attention and spotlight, and certainly not in possession of the numerous skills and credentials needed for anyone to believe or respect you. You fear for your resources, you fear the judgement of others, and most of all you fear the slightest possibility of failure.
WELL! Im here to with Sadhaguru to tell you that your fear is as mucha fantasy as your imagined triumph- yet we somehow believe our fears to be more real and present than our dreams. We put "real-world" fear first in order to keep our dreams safe from failure. If we can first control for all the things we fear then our dreams will have room to manifest.
The energy we generate on a consistent basis becomes the root of everything we manifest into the physical world. If we are constantly generating fear and hesitation, we are never going to reach triumph! Being made of fear isnt going to bring us wealth and peace!
In order to create the life we want, we must first stop the generation of fear in our energetic bodies. What if instead of controlling for all the things we fear, we could release the fear itself?
What if we could generate continual feelings of triumph and bravery, desite the potential dangers that lie ahead?
In this short video, Sadhguru tells us how fear of the future is in fact irrational. Because it doesnt actually exist. No matter how hard you try to get to the future, you'll always be sitting right here, right now.
Take a minute to sit and breath,
because this,
is a perfact moment.